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This is a 24/7 service available 365 days a year. Available to everyone in most parts of British Columbia. They provide information and referral to government, community, and social services for victims of all crimes within the victim's location. They do not provide case management or counselling. They are not medical professionals. 


How to access VictimLinkBC:

Phone: 1-800-563-0808

Text: 604-836-6381

TTY (telecommunication device for the deaf): 604-875-0885


What happens when I call VictimLinkBC?

There are different assessment techniques depending on the situation or incident. You will be connected to the appropriate educated professional that best fits your needs. You will be referred to a service (government, community, social) that can support you further. It is then your responsibility to contact the agency(ies) they have provided to you. With your permission, VictimLinkBC will provide a follow-up call within 2 weeks to check-in on your progress.  



Don't give up if there is a higher volume of calls, this generally occurs on long weekends or around holidays


This initiative is run by botany and zoology grad students and faculty with the goal of providing better mental health support to grad students. We host stress-relieving events, wellness workshops, provide access to teaching faculty mentors, and advocate for your mental wellness to the departments. Find out more here.


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