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Teaching Faculty Mentors


Changes during COVID-19: They're still happy to talk! But email or phone mentors rather than stopping by their offices. Coffee meet ups will be held over zoom.


In addition to your graduate faculty advisor, there are teaching faculty that â€‹are available to talk through problems. They are a part of our community, but at an arm's length away from the group of faculty you normally would interact with. Every month one of them will have a coffee meet up or forest walk with students, so please feel free to come and chat with them! 


Who are they and how to contact them:


Brett Couch


I want to be a faculty mentor because I have seen the effects that mental health issues have on individuals and those around them.  The botany department is supportive place to work and study, I want to contribute to fostering this departmental culture. For me being a mentor involves not only being available to talk but building trusting relationships.


Email: bcouch [at] 

Office: 2138 Biosciences

Phone: 6O4-822-965O



Shona Ellis


Email: shona.ellis [at]

Office: 2521 Biosciences


Pam Kalas


Email: kalas [at] 

Office: 362 IBLC


Caitlin Donnelly


I wanted to get involved as a teaching faculty mentor because it sounded like a great opportunity to help grad students to build a strong community in Botany and Zoology.  When I was a graduate student, the support I got from other students and from faculty members made stressful times much easier, and I am hoping to pay it forward where possible


Email: caitlin.donnelly [at]




This initiative is run by botany and zoology grad students and faculty with the goal of providing better mental health support to grad students. We host stress-relieving events, wellness workshops, provide access to teaching faculty mentors, and advocate for your mental wellness to the departments. Find out more here.


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