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Submit an Early Alert


This is a secure online system that allows a faculty member, staff member, or teaching assistant to inform the university of a student who is potentially struggling. It allows for a more coordinated approach, as multiple people may alert the university of a similar problem. Struggling students are then connected to resources directly that can assist them.


How to access Early Alert:

Go to this webpage: and complete the login using your CWL. â€‹


Go to "Early Alert Network" and click "Add New CARE Report".  


What happens when I submit an early alert?

This â€‹information is stored and can be helpful in a students situation if they begin to fall behind, then there is evidence in the university record that they may have been struggling. Just because one alert is made about an individual, does not mean that the individual will be contacted. It will be on a case-by-case basis, and generally when there are multiple alerts about the same individual. 




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