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This is a Vancouver Coastal Health resource intended to help BC residents locate and access appropriate resources to address their mental health concerns. The website provides self help and resources programs, as well as information about local support groups and community services. If you prefer to access resources through BC health care rather than UBC, this is a good resource for learning more about your options to do so. This website also provides resources for supporting friends and family.


How to access MindHealthBC:



What happens when I go to this website?

There is a short screening quiz ( to fill out that will be used to direct you towards resources that are potentially useful to you. They will make recommendations for what you should do next.



This resource does not require going anywhere or calling anyone, so can be a good first step in figuring out what help you might need and how to get it.

This initiative is run by botany and zoology grad students and faculty with the goal of providing better mental health support to grad students. We host stress-relieving events, wellness workshops, provide access to teaching faculty mentors, and advocate for your mental wellness to the departments. Find out more here.


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